Wednesday Bible Connect


join uS: SUNDAYS @ 10:30 am (sunday school) & 11:15 am (worship service) IN PERSON & wEDNESDAYS @ 7:15 PM (bible connect) zoom only. we encourage you to visit @EmmanuelTempleChurchBuffalo on YouTube and Subscribe! We encourage you to watch past sermons then like and share!

Wednesday Bible Connect at Emmanuel Temple Church of God

Wednesday Bible Connect is currently offered through Zoom only starting at 7:15 pm every Wednesday.  Join us in our interactive Bible study.  All are welcome!

You may join by logging in to Zoom or dial-in by calling 1-646-558-8656 and entering meeting ID:  308 542 2906.  Note:  You must log into Zoom with your credentials before entering the meeting.

  ZOOM in to Church!
Please visit @EmmanuelTempleChurchBuffalo on YouTube and Subscribe!  We encourage you to watch past sermons then like and share!
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